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Jan. 28 2021
Last Friday, I received a call that I had been anticipating, but nonetheless, it was still hard to hear. I got the news that my beloved friend, Joe Lyon, died at the age of 92
Jan. 25 2021
The first time I did chores was like no other experience.The feeling of warmth in the barn. The feeling of safety
Jan. 22 2021
The “farm kid” identity definitely carries a weighted list of stereotypes — some may be perceived as negative while others prove to be a positive in the job and internship search
Jan. 14 2021
The world is a weird place filled with uncertainty. Last year illustrated this, but sadly we were only a handful of days into the new year when 2021 documented this, too
Jan. 8 2021
Dear farmers/caretakers/blood, sweat and tear givers, I see you at the wee hours of the morning thawing waterers of ice.
Dec. 11 2020
I’ve had the same sticker on the back window of my now-rusted-out Pontiac G6 for 10 years
Dec. 3 2020
As a farm mom and wife, you get pretty good about waiting, or at least I have
Nov. 27 2020
My view today is filled with rain, snow, sleet, and lots of fog (because that’s Midwest weather for you)
Nov. 23 2020
TikTok is controversial, but one thing that it isn't lacking is attention, particularly from young consumers
abbie blog
Nov. 20 2020
For many of us, the last Friday the 13th (back in March) was the last normal day we had, and the first day we realized how serious this pandemic really was
Oct. 30 2020
Newborn calves are an everyday occurrence on our family’s farm. Each one has its own unique pedigree, birth story, personality, and set of quirks
Oct. 29 2020
What does your farm look like on Google? I've written about this before so you can understand how the farm looks to the rest of the world via your own farm website, social media, news articles, and so...
Sept. 25 2020
In a world of pandemic conditions and political discussions, it seems like there’s a new thing to worry about every day
Aug. 27 2020
We started chopping corn silage this week, which provides a great opportunity for our farm kids to help and learn.Is it just me, or are all of the mothers out there feeling a tad overwhelmed
Aug. 24 2020
Each spring, Lakeshore Technical College holds a graduation banquet in northeast Wisconsin for its dairy students
Aug. 20 2020
Dellavale Farms is a century farm located in Pattersonville, N.Y. It is run by Terri Phillips and her husband, Tom Nelson, who are the fourth generation on the Phillips’ farm
July 31 2020
My family went on their first vacation to visit a friend in California last spring. It was the first time in 18 years that my parents had left the farm for more than a long weekend outside of driving distance
July 2 2020
A year can go by at record speed, or at least that is how it has felt this past year. Often days and nights intertwined, and somehow, the seasons flew to the next without us having much time to hit the...
June 25 2020
There are plenty of “How to” books available on just about anything . . . how to succeed, how to wire a building, how to be a better person, how to be inspiring, and the list goes on and on
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June 22 2020
In the span of just over a week, my two oldest cows both passed away. Both developed conditions that sprang up and were treated meticulously — only to no avail